Friday, October 10, 2014

The Idea

Hello Tea Lovers!

One day last month while sipping light-roasted Oolongs with my tea group at the Steeping Room in Austin, an idea was born. Actually, it started out as envy--tea festival envy: "Why is there no tea festival in Texas!?" someone exclaimed indignantly (which may have been me ;-) )

"Well, why not host our own festival?" we mused. "It'll only cost a couple grand." (Ahh, poor naïve first-time festival organizers!) In any case, the idea had legs, so to speak, and the Texas Tea Festival took off running. Two weeks later we had a venue and a date: historic Saengerrunde Hall at Scholz's on February 8, 2015 (because who wants to sip tea in Texas in August!?--besides us, of course! :-P)

In any case, we now have just under 4 months to put together the bestest, FUNEST tea festival this side of the Rio Grande! Currently we're scrambling to meet ad deadlines (and picking our jaws up off the floor after seeing ad prices! :-O); line up tea vendors and sponsors; pair up with a local nonprofit; design marketing materials; promote the event; organize a children's tea party; etc., etc.!!!! The list of things to do seems never ending, but we're having loads of fun doing it. This week we posted our vendor and sponsor rates on our website,

Anyway, that's all for now, tea friends!

Come back again soon for another update :-D

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