Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Sipping Silver Needle

Hi, All!  The festival planning is moving along! We're corresponding and meeting with many people in the tea community this week. So far, we've gotten very positive responses. We're very excited about how things are moving full steam ahead! We hope to have more updates by the end of this month.

Speaking of steam,  our Chief Tea Brewer and yours truly, the Chief Tea Officer, went to a local tea room where we sampled a delicious white tea. It was a tea we had tried before, but this pot was especially flavorful! The tea in question? Silver Needle white tea.

Silver Needle is a tea made from only buds (unopened tea leaves) from the Fujian province of China. The buds are silvery in color, with a fuzzy, downy feel to them. But the fragrance, ah the fragrance! It's subtly sweet and delicate, with a taste that is pure and heavenly.

The pure taste comes from the high standards of those who pick the tea. Originally, as the story goes, Silver Needle was reserved for the Imperial Court in China, and the tea was plucked by virgins wearing white gloves during the sunny, springtime mornings. I doubt this is still the case, but it continues to be one of the great teas of China, and now, thankfully, available to all!


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