Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Sipping Tea In Houston

This past weekend your festival organizers made the short 2 and a half hour drive to Houston, where we visited some wonderful tea rooms and tasted some marvelous teas! The Houston tea community received us with much enthusiasm (and many pots of tea!)

Your Chief Tea Officer with our mascot, Little Tex
Among the wonderful tea rooms we visited were Té House of Tea in Montrose and Ten Yen in Chinatown. Look for them at the 1st Annual Texas Tea Festival in February! More pics to come...

Monday, October 27, 2014

Monday Tea Memories

"When I was in elementary school, my family lived on the same block as the school.  During those times, students who lived nearby were allowed to go home for lunch.  I would walk home with my brother and sister to find my mother putting the finishing touches on our lunch and my grandmother brewing tea with mint or lemongrass, freshly picked from her garden in the backyard.  Those tea flavors still take me back to warm memories of food and tea, so lovingly prepared."    - R.A.

This is R.A.’s personal tea story.  What’s yours?

 Photo By Dharmadhyaksha CC-BY-SA-3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Sipping Silver Needle

Hi, All!  The festival planning is moving along! We're corresponding and meeting with many people in the tea community this week. So far, we've gotten very positive responses. We're very excited about how things are moving full steam ahead! We hope to have more updates by the end of this month.

Speaking of steam,  our Chief Tea Brewer and yours truly, the Chief Tea Officer, went to a local tea room where we sampled a delicious white tea. It was a tea we had tried before, but this pot was especially flavorful! The tea in question? Silver Needle white tea.

Silver Needle is a tea made from only buds (unopened tea leaves) from the Fujian province of China. The buds are silvery in color, with a fuzzy, downy feel to them. But the fragrance, ah the fragrance! It's subtly sweet and delicate, with a taste that is pure and heavenly.

The pure taste comes from the high standards of those who pick the tea. Originally, as the story goes, Silver Needle was reserved for the Imperial Court in China, and the tea was plucked by virgins wearing white gloves during the sunny, springtime mornings. I doubt this is still the case, but it continues to be one of the great teas of China, and now, thankfully, available to all!


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Tea & Crumpets, Texas Style!

What better snack than tea and a homemade crumpet (with homemade jam, I might add!) while planning a tea festival!
My sourdough crumpets are a thing of beauty...

Friday, October 10, 2014

The Idea

Hello Tea Lovers!

One day last month while sipping light-roasted Oolongs with my tea group at the Steeping Room in Austin, an idea was born. Actually, it started out as envy--tea festival envy: "Why is there no tea festival in Texas!?" someone exclaimed indignantly (which may have been me ;-) )

"Well, why not host our own festival?" we mused. "It'll only cost a couple grand." (Ahh, poor naïve first-time festival organizers!) In any case, the idea had legs, so to speak, and the Texas Tea Festival took off running. Two weeks later we had a venue and a date: historic Saengerrunde Hall at Scholz's on February 8, 2015 (because who wants to sip tea in Texas in August!?--besides us, of course! :-P)

In any case, we now have just under 4 months to put together the bestest, FUNEST tea festival this side of the Rio Grande! Currently we're scrambling to meet ad deadlines (and picking our jaws up off the floor after seeing ad prices! :-O); line up tea vendors and sponsors; pair up with a local nonprofit; design marketing materials; promote the event; organize a children's tea party; etc., etc.!!!! The list of things to do seems never ending, but we're having loads of fun doing it. This week we posted our vendor and sponsor rates on our website,

Anyway, that's all for now, tea friends!

Come back again soon for another update :-D